Since the invention of the spiral balance in 1932 the product has evolved into many thousands of variations throughout the world.
Here at unique balance we not only supply product for new sash windows we also draw on more than 35 years in the industry too specialize in replacement components for aluminium timber and more laterly UPVC sash windows.
We can offer a supply and install service, whilst this has been primarily utilized for large commercial buildings we are also happy to offer this service to domestic homeowners.

If you would like to speak to us regarding any of our products please fill out our enquiry form and we will be in touch with you shortly
Alternatively you can call us on (+44) 0333 7720239 or via mobile on (+44) 07760 267249

Our customers range from the householder through too large refurbishment and utility management companies , we do not only supply into the UK and Ireland but have supplied product to the USA Canada and Australia.
We also offer a supply and install service, whilst this has been primarily utilized for large commercial buildings we have also carried our work the individual homeowners.